Do you know why you were born? It is important for everyone to know their purpose and destiny in life. One thing is for sure. Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whatever you are going through; you are destined for better. The truth is each and every person God created is destined to live a glorified life. (Romans 8:28-30) 

What is the glorified life? A glorified life is not the riches and luxuries your mind is racing to, it can certainly include that, but more importantly, it entails a stage of every child of God where the love, blessings, treasures and riches of God are given to you. You can look at it this way, a 'glorified' life, is a 'glory-filled' life. Let's look at the meaning of Glorify properly:

Glorify - ἐδόξασεν (edoxasen)(v)/doksázō /dóksa, "glory")  - To honour, to bestow especially divine qualities, dignify, to give great praise, beauty, to ascribe immeasurable weight to by recognizing value.

eg. Glorifying God is valuing Him for who He really is or ascribing honour and praise to Him.  Joseph's glory for example was his position in Egypt(Gen 45:13) Jacob and Isaac's glory were their riches . 

Glorifying God most importantly, is ascribing weight to who He is through an internal inculcation of His character and being. For example, Daniel's glory was not only His position in Babylon but the wisdom and incorruptible spirit he had. Joseph, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Paul amongst other great figures in the Bible were great because of their intrinsic development of God's divine qualities which alluded to His glory. It is safe to say that God's glory is a transformation that begins on the inside of a person and then manifest outwardly, affecting the individual's surroundings and life in general. 

As human beings, God's intentions for us went sour in the Garden of Eden when the serpent came to deceive Eve and Adam. God first created man so that He could be glorified in Man. That is why He said, 'Let us make man in ur own image'. This means that everything we are should possess a startling semblance to the image of God. Even though Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden, God made sure that the glory He had planned for man would be fully realised. That plan was Jesus Christ, God's only Son (Matthew 3:17). Jesus had to come to the Earth and live with us, to correct the wrong that happened in the Garden of Eden. 

God never included 'sin' or wrongdoing or offenses or anything negative in Man's destiny and purpose when he was created. It was an inclusion by error on the part of Eve and Adam and most importantly, the devil (through the serpent). 

Here are the blessings and instructions God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden which still stands today:

  1. Genesis 1:26 - Let us make man in Our image and Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock,  ALL THE EARTH, and the creatures that crawl on the earth
  2. Genesis 1:28 - God blessed them
  3. Genesis 1:28- ...And said to them, be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth
  4. Genesis 1:28 - ...Subdue the earth  
  5. Genesis 1:28 - Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and every creature that crawls on the earth
  6. Genesis 1:29- God also said "Look I have given you every seed-bearing plant  on the surface of the entire earth and every tree whose fruit contains seeds.
  7. Genesis 1:29 - "This food will be for you, for all the wildlife of the earth  for every bird of the sky and for every creature that crawls on the earth - EVERYTHING HAVING THE BREATH OF LIFE IN IT. 

For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.
— Luke 1:37

These blessings still stand today as God's words always accomplish its purpose. His words are also certain and true. It there is anything in this world you can count on with absolute trust and certainty, it is the Word of God. It makes sense that the One who can do all things, and has done everything He said He would do, can be trusted as honest and His words as sure. (Job 42:2, Matthew 24:35, Joshua 21:45, Luke 1:37)

Moreover, we have a better promise, a great promise through Jesus Christ.  This promise and the implications of Jesus Christ on earth will be discussed next week. Stay blessed. 



Before next week's continuation, here are a few basic truths and principles so you are not confused: 

  1. The Bible is the Word of God as 2 Timothy 3:16 affirms.
  2. The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew (that is the language for the Jews or Israelites) and the New Testament was written in Greek.
  3. The argument that Jesus and most people living at that time spoke Hebrew is quite valid, but think of Greek as the English of the old times. It was a wide-spread and commonly used language and so that is why the writers of the New Testament used one common language, Greek.