In the Good Book, we are told of a certain promiscuous lady named Rahab, a 'harlot' from Jericho (the city famed for its impenetrable walls; pre-Israelite invasion, of course).  The book of Joshua explicitly details the way in which Rahab, a prostitute by profession, is able to save herself, her family, and all those connected to her. 

Joshua 2:15   "Then she let them down by a rope through a window, since she lived in a house that was BUILT INTO THE WALL of the city."

The translation of the original Hebrew text gives us synonyms like  'in, among, with, upon' for the word 'into' (b in hebrew). 

Now you might be wondering why this is important... I would encourage you to read the verse again and again till it sinks in. Rahab lived IN a wall! I have never, in this vast universe, heard or read of a house/residence being INSIDE a wall!! Let us not forget the fact that this is not just any wall, but the Jericho wall;  the impenetrable, famed structure which made its inhabitants invincible to their enemies (at least, till Joshua and the Israelites came along).

There are several lessons from just this verse and I am sure many more can be drawn after a thorough examination. What I want to share with you today, are certain facts I unearthed:

  1. where Rahab lived was the most fortified city in the whole of the Old Testament 
  2. Her home was in the actual wall, that very thing that scared everyone and made Jericho famous throughout the land (Joshua 2:15)
  3. Her window was, arguably, the most important structural space in the whole city, with a peripheral view of the world outside (Joshua 2:18)
  4. The spies from Israel were able to escape because they were hidden in Rahab's house (Joshua 2:4).

Why is this verse important? Well, I've learned from this one very important sentence that

  • God will use just about anyone to bring His plans to fruition. Rahab was not the holiest lady in the city of Jericho. As a matter of fact, she might not have made the list of top ten lady contenders to help God's children. But praise be to the Holy God of Israel, who does not look at outward appearances or circumstances. Rahab was 'lowly' and not regarded as her career did not garner any respect, but God used her anyway. He used her (to save the spies), blessed her (she did not die with her people and is part of Jesus' descendants) and made her a blessing to her entire family and those connected to her (their lives were spared because of her).  
  • The position of her home was critical to the victory of the Israelites over Jericho, and the succession of her bloodline which eventually birthed our Savior, Jesus Christ. A lot of people often cry out to God to change their situations or make things better for them. Rahab lived in a wall, guys! It does not get any degrading or sadder than that. She and her family would have been the first to be killed in any siege. Living in the wall also meant living on the outskirts of the city; a sure indication of  of her social status. Rahab gave a new definition to perimeter as she lived in the structure that served as a signifier of Jericho's boundary line. Looking closely at the text in Joshua 6:22, He (Joshua) asked the men who Rahab hid to "go to her HOME and retrieve her and everyone with her."  This struck me as strange since the wall had already been grazed to the ground by the mighty hand of Jehovah, through the singing and shouting of the Israelites (Joshua 6:20). Please help me understand how a home in a wall is not destroyed, when the wall is in ruins. As they say, 'na only God oo.' The Father, knowing Rahab's good works, preserved her home during the destruction. Rahab and her family were retrieved, I am sure, from the rubble. The Bible never mentioned any scar or wound from the collapse of the wall. God did this, as He always does, for His glory. So the spies might not attribute Rahab's salvation to their mercies but to the grace of the Almighty God. She and her family could have died during the collapse of the wall but she was preserved wholly. Honestly, this excites me and gives me comfort that it does not matter the chaos, issues or trouble, because the Lord will preserve His own, we only just have to believe. 
  • Rahab being in the wall was critical to Israel's victory as it gave her knowledge and insight to the battle strategies of the Jericho soldiers/army. She was able to give the spies specific details about the hiding places and timing of the Jericho soldiers (Joshua 2:4-7). Let me explain, when the King was looking for the spies, he sent word to Rahab because he had been informed she was hiding them. Instead of outing the spies,  Rahab told a blatantly lied and gave wrong information to the messengers.  Now, I think if Rahab lived smack in the middle of the city, her word would have been open to doubt. Why? Because no one would believe a lady whose location does not afford her the knowledge of those coming in or going out of the city gates. But she who lives in the wall of the city with a WINDOW through the wall certainly sees and knows all. She is also able to see that which goes on outside the gates of the city. This position, therefore, made Rahab's word, credible. She was, in addition, in the perfect position to provide the ideal logistics to the Israelite spies  to evade the Jericho soldiers looking for them (Joshua 2:16).  She therefore saved the Israelites just by living in the wall. Would you look at that? The power of being in a wall, what some might consider the worst of situations.
  • The Bible tells us not to despise small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). To me, Rahab was more powerful and knowledgeable than the King of Jericho himself. Her location in the city afforded her privileges she might not have even realised till the spies came along.  Let us be encouraged that where we are at any given moment, is exactly where God wants us to be, for that which He wants to do. The issue we tend to have is that we want God to put us in the best situations or positions in our eyes. But sometimes, He needs you to be a 'Rahab' so the 'Israelites' A.K.A. 'other people' can fulfill their destiny. Where you are might not necessarily be thrilling or heartening to you, but it is somebody's lifeline, my dear friends. You are about to save someone, or, maybe a family, a company, a ministry, a nation... or maybe, just maybe, you could be saving YOURSELF! If Rahab's life was preserved so we could have the world's Saviour and Master; surely, your present position could only lead to a greater good. Don't be discouraged my friends, where you are qualifies you in God's eyes... 





'There was once a King who sent one of His children to a land he had never been to before. The King gave His son all he needed and sent him on his way. En route to the destination, his son met a lot of people and saw a lot of things that he had never encountered before. He was intrigued with this new world to say the least. He yearned to be a part of this vibrant culture filled with beautiful people and so much wealth. Soon enough, he became famous in the new kingdom and was loved by many. But that was not where he had been sent to. 

After waiting a while for His son, the Father, who knew all things, sent His oldest and wisest Son to go looking for His brother. The oldest Son soon found His brother, successful in the new land, but unfulfilled and with no purpose; for he had not accomplished what he had been sent to do. The oldest Son, seeing His brother so lost, spoke to him and spent time with him, reminiscing about their Father's kingdom, its vast wealth which outweighed their present one and the love that was shared by their family. The younger brother's eyes were finally opened. The oldest then gave His brother a map and compass so that he would be able to find his way and complete the journey. ' (Inspired by Pastor Otabil's sermon on PURPOSE)

In the opening chapter of the book of Joshua, Moses’ Successor is introduced to us and it is in such a beautiful way. The Lord, Himself reveals his new position to him and gives him the power to possess “every place the sole of your foot will tread upon” (v3). Basically, everywhere he, along with the Israelites tread will belong to them, just as God had promised. God also says to him “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life…”

There is, however, an instruction with the promise which starts from verses 6 to 9. Verse 8 was my 'whoa' text as God instructed Joshua that

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth... For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have GOOD success.
— Joshua 1:8

When I read that, it hit me, that 'SUCCESS' as we know it, was not God's definition of success. God told Joshua, he would have 'GOOD' Success. The Bible says that God's ways are not our ways neither are His thoughts our thoughts, and it is certainly true (Isaiah 55:8).  From our limited knowledge and understanding of so many words, including 'Success', we assume and accept the positive connotation associated with certain words, unaware of God's definition and intent for their usage. To be successful, to me, has never been a bad thing, ever. In fact, it was one of the tenets I was endeavoring for, till God stepped in and revealed that there is 'success' as we know it, and there is 'GOOD success' which is way better for His children.  

Proverbs 3:4 echoes the same sentiments as 'success' is once again described as 'good'. 

So you will find favour and GOOD success in the sight of God and man.
— Proverbs 3:4

In Matthew 13:24, when Jesus tells His parable of the sower and the seed, He modifies the noun, 'man' with good. He aptly declares, that 'The Kingdom of God can be compared to a man who sowed 'GOOD' seed in his field...". Jesus could have just said 'seed' and God in addressing Joshua could have said just 'success'. God is the highest in all things and that is why He is called the Alpha and Omega. He. is. everything. good. and. perfect. He simply, is. So when we think about God's definition of good, it is of the utmost nature of the word's meaning. God's good is better than our great. His good is far greater than our better. His least exceeds our best. This is why it is important to pursue His good and never our best. 

I have also come to understand, that in this life, there are things, and there are good things. Good things are pre-destined by God Himself. It is His initial desire and plan for His children. That is why the Bible says that "every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord" (James 1:17).

The opening story is about us and God, our Father. Every single person has a reason for being here on earth. Nobody is born by chance. God knows everyone and has willed YOU into this world to go to specific places and do specific things  Till you are actually completing the God-given assignments, you are merely striving for 'success' as the world defines it. Do not be distracted by the temptations of this world or what others define to be good or great. What is great in our eyes; the cars, money, popularity, accomplishments, are fickle in God's eyes. Our good deeds are like filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6). That one person needing your encouragement to follow God is worth more than a billion dollars in God's eyes. Your ability to overcome trials with your faith in God is treasured by Him more than your balance in your bank account or the growth of your business or the racking of numerous degrees just to be important. Those things can be attained as resources for your journey if they are God-ordained. 

Remember that the Lord blesses and the enemy 'blesses' too. So stop comparing, stop competing! Whose blessings do you earnestly desire? Whose approval do you seek today?  Do you desire to attain 'good success' as it has been pre-destined by God for you or do you want to enjoy your detour in the 'new land' with your earthly success? 

I know it is easier said than done, but if you trust in the Lord and understand His power, you will have that unshakeable belief that He can do ALL THINGS. Nothing is impossible for the Lord. 

I want this 'good success' and I hope you do too.  Lets begin by praying the prayer below to help us walk in His Perfect Will always and follow the map (Bible) and compass (Holy Spirit) Jesus Christ, our big brother, has provided. Then we shall have good success and be prosperous in all our ways, and that, is a promise from God Himself (Joshua 1:8).

Dearest Father,
I thank you for being so loving and kind. I have not been faithful to your plans for me and I have not always stuck to the path you wanted me to go but Daddy, I’m ready now. Your good will forever be greater than my best. Please forgive me and lead me to Your divine purpose for my life. Help me to feed on Your word and commune with You always through the Holy Spirit. DIrect my path and please deliver me from all evil and temptation. I thank You that Your ways will always lead to good success. I love you Daddy. In Your Son’s Holy Name, I pray, AMEN







Today's post was primarily inspired by a friend's prayerpoint over our daily prayerline. We were asked to pray for a spirit of endurance as it is Spiritual Emphasis Month. He went on further to explain his prayer topic that Daniel embodied perseverance as he was able to outlive and still excellently serve four kings during his lifetime in Babylon. I was intrigued at once and that got me thinking, Daniel did not outlive the kings because of his diet or because he was special (well he kind of was with his rap sheet...lol), he served and outlived all four kings over the span of 67 years in the same position, as, in today's world, the Prime Minister/President of Babylon and Special Advisor to the King. He served in this position for 67years! Why? Because 

1. Daniel served the Lord with all his heart, mind, body and soul.

2. Daniel had a spirit of excellence

I have always loved the word 'excellent'. The highest, the best, the most distinguished, premium, unblemished, flawless, peerless, superior, the echelon of greatness...I could go on and on. Daniel was found to possess an excellent spirit and no fault could be found in him (Daniel 6:3). Even with all these extraordinary qualities, Daniel was not the king and he did not wish to be. He just did what he had been purposed and assigned to do, excellently. His speech was excellent, his vision was excellent, his love for God was excellent (Angel Gabriel said he was greatly loved because of his devotion to God- Daniel 9:23)his interpretation of dreams was excellent, his prayer life was excellent, his walk with God was excellent, unrivalled excellence in his dedication to God and the things of Him, an excellent comprehension of times and seasons, an excellent spirit, excellent mind. Daniel was even excellent looking (Daniel 1:4). Thank you Jesus!


Serving God excellently with all we have, at all times, no matter the circumstances pays off. Daniel chose to serve his God instead of the gods of babylon even at the risk of his life (Daniel 6)

When you decide to tackle any and everything that comes your way with your best and your all, your efforts will be acknowledged and blessed by God. (Daniel 10:19)

Now, the definition of elevation when it comes to God is different from Man's definition of elevation. Note that Daniel was not the king of Babylon, he served the kings that ruled over the 67 year period, but he was absolutely invaluable to the kings and the whole kingdom of Babylon for his wisdom, knowledge and understanding was 10 times better than all the experts and priests in the land. (Daniel 1:20, 2:48-49)

Daniel respected and appreciated the position he had been given. He did not strive to win the king over or even take the king's position (which I am sure he could have as the kings were not that bright). He rather served the kings wholeheartedly in the position he had been entrusted. (Daniel 2)

I have realized that God blesses that which you set your heart to, if, it is of a pure motive. Remember that no wrong was found in Daniel. 

Daniel was excellent in his ways by 

  1. distinguishing himself from his peers in his work and service to the kings and the kingdom (Daniel 6:3)
  2. ensuring that no wrong, negligence or corruption could be found in him(Daniel 6:4)
  3. being trustworthy, faithful and committed(Daniel 6:4)

 Let us try to imbibe the Daniel spirit as it is one that carries blessings and distinction amongst men and before God. Here is a prayer to help 

Father, I thank you for your word which is tried and true. I thank you for the knowledge of Daniel and his excellent ways. I humbly come before you knowing that anything I ask of you will be done if I only believe. With all my hope and trust in You and all You do, I confess that You are more than able. Take away from me any habits, thoughts or attitudes that defeat my distinctions in life. Pour out the anointing for Daniel’s excellent ways upon my life. May my life be one of excellence, my ways, my thoughts and all my doings. May others recognize Your glory through my excellent ways. I know that You have done it and I receive with all my heart, soul, spirit, mind and body the Daniel anointing to fulfil my purpose in life. Thank you Father for You are well able. Thank you for the anointing. In Jesus Christ my Lord’s name, I pray. Amen