

Today's post was primarily inspired by a friend's prayerpoint over our daily prayerline. We were asked to pray for a spirit of endurance as it is Spiritual Emphasis Month. He went on further to explain his prayer topic that Daniel embodied perseverance as he was able to outlive and still excellently serve four kings during his lifetime in Babylon. I was intrigued at once and that got me thinking, Daniel did not outlive the kings because of his diet or because he was special (well he kind of was with his rap sheet...lol), he served and outlived all four kings over the span of 67 years in the same position, as, in today's world, the Prime Minister/President of Babylon and Special Advisor to the King. He served in this position for 67years! Why? Because 

1. Daniel served the Lord with all his heart, mind, body and soul.

2. Daniel had a spirit of excellence

I have always loved the word 'excellent'. The highest, the best, the most distinguished, premium, unblemished, flawless, peerless, superior, the echelon of greatness...I could go on and on. Daniel was found to possess an excellent spirit and no fault could be found in him (Daniel 6:3). Even with all these extraordinary qualities, Daniel was not the king and he did not wish to be. He just did what he had been purposed and assigned to do, excellently. His speech was excellent, his vision was excellent, his love for God was excellent (Angel Gabriel said he was greatly loved because of his devotion to God- Daniel 9:23)his interpretation of dreams was excellent, his prayer life was excellent, his walk with God was excellent, unrivalled excellence in his dedication to God and the things of Him, an excellent comprehension of times and seasons, an excellent spirit, excellent mind. Daniel was even excellent looking (Daniel 1:4). Thank you Jesus!


Serving God excellently with all we have, at all times, no matter the circumstances pays off. Daniel chose to serve his God instead of the gods of babylon even at the risk of his life (Daniel 6)

When you decide to tackle any and everything that comes your way with your best and your all, your efforts will be acknowledged and blessed by God. (Daniel 10:19)

Now, the definition of elevation when it comes to God is different from Man's definition of elevation. Note that Daniel was not the king of Babylon, he served the kings that ruled over the 67 year period, but he was absolutely invaluable to the kings and the whole kingdom of Babylon for his wisdom, knowledge and understanding was 10 times better than all the experts and priests in the land. (Daniel 1:20, 2:48-49)

Daniel respected and appreciated the position he had been given. He did not strive to win the king over or even take the king's position (which I am sure he could have as the kings were not that bright). He rather served the kings wholeheartedly in the position he had been entrusted. (Daniel 2)

I have realized that God blesses that which you set your heart to, if, it is of a pure motive. Remember that no wrong was found in Daniel. 

Daniel was excellent in his ways by 

  1. distinguishing himself from his peers in his work and service to the kings and the kingdom (Daniel 6:3)
  2. ensuring that no wrong, negligence or corruption could be found in him(Daniel 6:4)
  3. being trustworthy, faithful and committed(Daniel 6:4)

 Let us try to imbibe the Daniel spirit as it is one that carries blessings and distinction amongst men and before God. Here is a prayer to help 

Father, I thank you for your word which is tried and true. I thank you for the knowledge of Daniel and his excellent ways. I humbly come before you knowing that anything I ask of you will be done if I only believe. With all my hope and trust in You and all You do, I confess that You are more than able. Take away from me any habits, thoughts or attitudes that defeat my distinctions in life. Pour out the anointing for Daniel’s excellent ways upon my life. May my life be one of excellence, my ways, my thoughts and all my doings. May others recognize Your glory through my excellent ways. I know that You have done it and I receive with all my heart, soul, spirit, mind and body the Daniel anointing to fulfil my purpose in life. Thank you Father for You are well able. Thank you for the anointing. In Jesus Christ my Lord’s name, I pray. Amen